TC Activities DSG LEE Jong-heon delivered special lecture at 2017 Trilateral Youth Diplomatic Camp
On July 18, Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-heon delivered special lecture at the opening ceremony of ‘2017 Trilateral Youth Diplomatic Camp’ at Korea National Diplomatic Academy. ‘Trilateral Youth Diplomatic Camp’ is hosted by ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by Hope to the Future Association. This year, 90 students from CJK three countries participated the camp from July 18-21 to construct the youth network and enhance understanding on trilateral cooperation.
Through the special lecture, DSG LEE emphasized the continuous efforts to experience the neighboring countries based on a future-oriented vision and clear understanding on geopolitical and historical perspectives. Also, he encouraged the students to deepen their friendship and network with CJK participants which can be the cornerstones for the regional peace and co-prosperity introducing the comparative experiences of Europe and Southeast Asia.
After the opening ceremony, participants moved to Pyeongchang Olympic venues and enjoyed C-J-K cooperation idea competition and Winter Olympic activities with Olympic medalists.