TC Activities 2018 Young Ambassador Program (YAP)
2018-07-30 ~ 2018-08-10
The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) organized the 2018 Young Ambassador Program (YAP) in Seoul and Jeju, ROK from July 30 to August 10, 2018. The YAP is a two-week student exchange program that offers a range of opportunities for promising future leaders of China, Japan, and the ROK to enhance understanding of trilateral cooperation and to foster a sense of community and friendship among the young generation of the three countries.
This year, the YAP was joined by 20 highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students from China, Japan, and the ROK. The program consisted of lectures on the comparative studies of the three countries as well as trilateral economic cooperation, as well as briefings by each department of the TCS to help enhance the participants’ understanding of the functions and activities of the TCS. Participants paid visits to government agencies, engaged in dialogues with the diplomats, and visited other international organizations such as the EU Delegation to the ROK and the ASEAN-Korea Centre.
TCS Deputy Secretary-General HAN Mei welcomed the participants and briefed them on the significance of student exchanges and the role of young generations in shaping the future of trilateral cooperation.
Throughout the program, participants were divided into teams and were asked to conduct a research on a topic of their interest and presented their findings to the rest of the group. TCS Deputy Secretary-General YAMAMOTO Yasushi attended the final presentations and encouraged the students for their hard work.
YAP2018 ended with a trip to Jeju island, in which participants strengthened their bonds through cultural events and social activities.