Call for Proposals
Important Dates
*Call for Proposals Deadline Has been Extended to Friday, June 28th, 2019*
The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) in Seoul, ROK, July 17-18, 2019
The Call for Proposals for TCS’ annual program of
The deadline for submitting a proposal is June 28, 2019.
Guidance and dialogue topics are outlined in detail below.
<20 Years of Trilateral Cooperation and Visions Beyond the Region>
- Multi-track Aspirations and Actions for ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation -
Paper (Proposal) presenters are expected to focus on one or more areas of ASEAN+3 cooperation mentioned in the ‘ASEAN PLUS THREE COOPERATION WORK PLAN 2018 – 2022, ’ with a review of trilateral vision toward East Asian regional cooperation in the past decades, recent progress and developments, and ways to enhance multi-track cooperation with the ASEAN, including inter-agency cooperation between the TCS and ASEAN Secretariats, particularly during the suggested timeframe, 2018-2022.
• Political/ security dialogue and cooperation
• Transnational crimes and other non-traditional security issues
• Trade and investment, financial market stability
• Sustainable tourism and people-to-people connectivity
• Food, agriculture and forestry
• Science, technology, and innovation
• Environment, climate change, and sustainable use of natural resources
• Poverty alleviation
• Social welfare and active aging
• Cultural, sports and youth exchanges
• Information and media
• Education systems
• Public health
• Disaster management and emergency response
ASEAN PLUS THREE COOPERATION WORK PLAN 2018 – 2022: https://asean.org/storage/2017/08/APT-Corp-WorkPlan-2018-2022-Final.pdf
■*We Invite Submissions Of:
• Case studies specifying priorities, requirements, challenges or opportunities
• Future-oriented project proposals arising out of on-going research
• Work-in-progress initiatives or pilot descriptions, sufficiently mature for a full paper
■Guidance and Notes:
Accepted contributions will be limited to one paper and/or proposal per author. Please note that the proposal submission would automatically enable the candidate to participate in the Young Professionals Exchange at the Inter-Regional Dialogue. Interested applicants should submit the following materials in English:
1. CV
2. A full proposal/research paper (minimum of 2,500 words and should not exceed 7,500 words; single-spaced)
English-speaking young researchers holding CJK or ASEAN citizenship (enrolled in graduate program or equivalent to researchers), with expertise on issues related to ASEAN+3 or Northeast – Southeast Asian relations, preferably, but not meant to be limiting, with knowledge in the functions of the TCS or ASEAN Secretariat.
The following criteria are suggested to be considered in the selection of papers:
- Proposals/Papers with
Relevance to the ASEAN+3 cooperation and the work of the TCS-ASEAN relations
Future-oriented approach
Originality and innovation
Impact on the field, community, or beneficiaries
TCS will cover the following expenses for the selected participants of the Dialogue:
- Round-trip airfare and accommodation in Seoul (up to 2 nights)
- Welcoming dinner on the day before the Dialogue and working lunch
- Modest stipend (2-day allowance)
- Future opportunities to engage in the programs of the TCS and/or EAIR Caucus
1) Date & Time:
A. Call for Proposals/Papers: April 17, 2019 – June 28, 2019
B. Inter-Regional Dialogue: July 17-18, 2019
2) Venue: TCS Global Conference Hall (Seoul, the ROK)
3) Host/ Organizer/Sponsor: The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and EAIR Caucus
4) Deadline to submit proposals/papers: June 28, 2019
5) Application to be sent to: callforproposals@tcs-asia.org
*For inquiries, please contact Heejin Kim (Ms.), Program Officer of the TCS, at hjkim@tcs-asia.org