Seminar & Forum DSG YAN delivered remark at the Plus Urban Design Forum
On May 17, 2024, Deputy Secretary-General Yan Liang of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) delivered a remark at the Plus Urban Design Forum in Seoul. About 50 attendees of architects, designers, professors, government officials, and students from China, Japan and the ROK attend the forum.
In his address, DSG Yan pointed out that urban development is one of the common focuses among China, Japan and the ROK. He introduced TCS’s initiatives and programs in the field of urban development and city exchange, and advocated for deeper cooperation among the three countries at city level.
During the meeting, professors from China, Japan and the ROK delivered presentations on urban design and culture, and shared the experiences and outcomes of their research.

▲DSG YAN delivering his remark
TCS Event
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