Seminar & Forum Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup attended the 80th Session of ESCAP
On April 24, 2024, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup attended the 80th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) which was held on April 22-26, 2024, at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.
Under the theme ‘Leveraging digital innovation for sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific’, TCS was invited at the Subregional Session to introduce and showcase the works of TCS and trilateral cooperation regarding digital innovation. At the Session, SG LEE introduced the achievements of TCS-ESCAP collaboration projects, such as the latest Carbon Neutrality Forum and the International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation, and further elaborated future plans of TCS in promoting digital innovation for sustainable development of China, Japan, and Korea.
After the Subregional Session, TCS co-organized a roundtable side event with ESCAP and the governments of the Republic of Korea and Mongolia, titled ‘Boosting SDG Accelerators through Innovation and Cooperation: Lessons and Opportunities for North-East Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region’. The side event invited experts on sustainable development and digital innovation to exchange insights on how digital technologies are prioritized in their national and organizational commitments for accelerating SDGs. SG LEE also delivered a speech in the side event to elaborate how TCS’ work on digital transition has contributed to the sustainable development of the subregion.

▲SG LEE delivering his remarks at the Subregional Session

▲Side event of the 80th Commission Session co-organized by TCS, ESCAP, and the governments of ROK and Mongolia