Mechanisms 16th Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting was Held in Beijing
On December 3, 2023, the 16th Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting was held in
Beijing. Chaired by Vice Minister LEI Haichao of National Health Commission of
China, the Meeting was attended by Vice Minister OSHIMA Kazuhiro of Ministry
of Helath, Labor and Welfare of Japan, Vice Minister PARK Minsoo of Ministry of
Health and Welfare of the ROK, WHO Acting Regional Director for the Western
Pacific Zsuzsanna Jakab, and Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup of Trilateral
Cooperation Secretariat.
In his remarks, Secretary General LEE spoke highly of the consistent and regular
convening of the Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting over the past years, which
showcases the determination and solidarity of China, Japan and the ROK in
safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people. He reiterated TCS’
commitment to work with the three competent authorities to further promote
information sharing and joint response to the common public health challenges
including the risks of the novel pandemic.
Under the theme “Work together for a healthier and safer future,” the Meeting
recalled the progress of trilateral health cooperation, and had in-depth view
exchanges and explored cooperation on the three countries’ practices and
experiences related to the public health emergency preparedness during pandemics,
the consolidation of the resilience of the primary health care system, the promotion
of universal health coverage, and the improvement of elderly care services and
measures for healthy aging.
The Meeting endorsed the Joint Statement of the 16th Tripartite Health Ministries’
Meeting, and the three Vice Ministers signed the China-Japan-Korea Memorandum
Of Understanding on Health Cooperation for the first time.
The Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting was commenced in 2006. The next (17th)
Meeting will be held in Japan in 2024.
▲Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup delivered remarks at the 16th Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting
▲Group Photo
- Joint Statement of the 17th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Memorandum of Cooperation Among The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan And The Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea on Health Cooperation
- Joint Statement of the 16th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Joint Statement of the 15th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Joint Action Plan among the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea and the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China on Preparedness and Response against Infectious D
- Joint Statement of the 14th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Joint Statement of the Thirteenth Tripartite Health Ministers' Meeting (Video Conference)
- Joint Statement of the Special Video Conference of Tripartite Health Ministers' Meeting (THMM) on COVID-19 Response