Seminar & Forum Secretary-General OU Boqian Delivered Remarks at the 3rd International Forum on Low Carbon Cities
On August 29, 2023, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Secretary-General OU Boqian delivered congratulatory remarks at the 3rd International Forum on Low Carbon Cities via online streaming. The Forum was co-organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commision for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and Incheon Metropolitan City, in collaboration with Green Climate Fund, Incheon Carbon Neutrality Center, ICLEI, innovative Green Development Program, CityNet, Climate Change Center and Local Government Association for Climate and Energy Transition, during the Korea Global Adaptation Week.
In her remarks, SG OU stressed that such Forum is especially important and timely given the role of cities and local governments in achieving carbon neutrality. She explained that local governments are key players in environmental protection, since they work with all sectors ranging from grassroot level to central governments. Due to their unique position, SG reiterated that cities have the ability to motivate climate action in our daily lives.
As an example of TCS’ involvement in the topic of city-led climate action, SG OU introduced the outcomes of the 2nd Forum on Carbon Neutrality Goals of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, which was co-organized by TCS, UNESCAP, and UN Climate Action Team in last February.
The Forum brought together local governments, international and regional organizations, national and regional city networks and other stakeholders, and discussed solutions for facilitating information sharing and strengthening partnerships among low carbon cities in Northeast Asia and beyond.

▲Secretary-General OU Boqian delivering congratulatory remarks online
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