Others TCS appointed its Advisory Group
On 9 January 2023, the TCS held the appointment ceremony of the TCS Advisory Group. 8 representatives from the ROK consisting of former high-level officials, former diplomats, and scholars were appointed as members of the TCS Advisory group.
At the Appointment Ceremony, TCS Deputy Secretary-General BEK Bumhym introduced the Advisory Group members and expressed his sincere appreciation for their support toward TCS visions of promoting lasting peace, common prosperity, and shared culture among China, Japan, and the ROK.
H.E. KIM Hwang-Sik, Chairman of the Hoam Foundation and the former Prime Minister of the ROK when TCS was founded, delivered congratulatory remarks on behalf of the TCS Advisory Group and expressed his willingness to serve as the TCS Advisor and appreciated the efforts made by the TCS to advance trilateral cooperation.
He mentioned that as China, Japan, and the ROK account for more than 20% of the world’s population, GDP, and trade volume, Northeast Asia attracts much attention from the rest of the world. Accordingly, the political status of the three countries has increased and what goes on in the world and in Northeast Asia are bound to be influenced by each other. There are many factors that hinders trilateral cooperation, including territorial and historical issues, emotional issues which are linked to national identity and pride, and domestic politics often escalate the tensions and conflicts among the three countries. In order to solve these issues harmoniously, the will and wisdom of the governments and people of the three counties are becoming more and more important.
H.E. KIM emphasized that the three countries can build a foundation for reconciliation and cooperation when we meet and communicate with each other with an open mind. He hoped the TCS would play a platform role for solving problems in the region based on harmony and cooperation.

► TCS Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian delivering welcoming remarks

► TCS Deputy Secretary-General Mr. BEK Bumhym delivering opening remarks

► Appointment Ceremony

► Group Photo