TC Activities The 15th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference
2016.07.12 ~ 2016.07.13
The 15th Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference was held in Yancheng, China from July 12 to 13, 2016. The conference was attended by the China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), ROK’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry. The Conference consisted of the Plenary Meeting, the Business Forum, Industrial Parks and Special Zones Cooperation Forum, and University Presidential Forum.
At the opening session of the Industrial Parks and Special Zones Cooperation Forum, Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-heon delivered a congratulatory remarks by emphasizing the significance of CJK cooperation, which consists about 20% of both GDP and population of the world. He pointed out that during the period of various challenges and economic uncertainties, cooperative efforts of the three countries will bring a win-win-win situation, and expressed TCS’ support in these cooperative measures. Furthermore, he underscored the importance that creation of an open and comprehensive economic bloc will bring regional development in the Yellow Sea Rim.
Government, academia and business sectors from the three countries convened at the Plenary Meeting to discuss creative efforts for trilateral cooperation under the main themes of green economy, innovation, open economy and economic integration.
Since its launching in 2001, the Yellow Sea Rim Economic and Technological Conference has been held 15 times promoting trilateral cooperation in trade, investment, technology and human resources. The next conference will be held in Kagoshima, Japan in 2017.
Congratulatory Remarks by Deputy Secretary-General LEE Jong-heon
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