Seminar & Forum Eurasia Future Forum: the strategies and prospects for the development of the multinational framework in Asia 2024.07.18 ~ 2024.07.19

From July 18-19, 2024, TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup attended the Eurasia Future Forum in Tokyo, Japan. The event, organized by the Global Asian Institute of Research Alliance Foundation (GAIA), the International Academic Society for Asian Community (ISAC), and the Belt & Road Initiative Japan Research Center (BRIJC), provided an opportunity for Secretary-General LEE to deliver congratulatory remarks. 


In his remarks, he introduced the role of TCS, key outcomes and significance of the 9th Trilateral Summit. To advance substantive cooperation among the three countries, he highlighted the importance of meticulous examination and analysis on the present reality. He also emphasized that while embracing our differences, we must pursue coexistence and harmony, continuously expanding the base of future cooperation through mutual respect and benefits. 


Two-day forum explored the advancement of collaborative security among nations in East Asia, particularly in areas like food, energy, environment, trade, and investment. Discussions delved into various topic such as the potential of an Asia super-grid energy system among East Asian nations and the socio-economic influences behind the Trilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) involving China, Japan and the ROK. Former Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. HATOYAMA Yukio and former TCS Secretary-General, Mr. IWATANI Shigeo were also present at this forum.

▲TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup is delivering congratulatory remarks 

▲TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup and former Prime Minister of Japan Mr. HATOYAMA Yukio 

▲Group Photo