Mechanisms 4th Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Water Resourses and Expert Dialogue 2024.05.20

On May 20, 2024, the 4th Ministerial Meeting on Water Resources was held in Bali, Indonesia on the occasion of 10th World Water Forum. Mr.LI Guoying, Minister of Ministry of Water Resources of China (MWR), Mr. KOYARI Takashi, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT), Mr. PARK Jae-Heyon, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea (MOE) attended the 4th Ministerial Meeting on Water Resources and signed the Joint Statement. 


Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) delegation headed by Secretary-General Lee Hee-sup attended the meeting, and SG LEE introduced the contents of the Joint Statement. The Ministers expressed appreciation to TCS for their contribution to the Ministerial Meeting and Expert Dialogue and requested to continue its role as a hub for trilateral water cooperation. 


Following the Ministerial Meeting, TCS co-hosted Trilateral Expert Dialogue on water resources. During the dialogue, experts from the three countries shared best practices on the theme of "Addressing Climate Change and Building Resilient Water Infrastructure”. 


The Ministerial Meeting on Water Resources is a triennial meeting held since 2012. TCS will continue to facilitate cooperative projects with the ministries. 


▲Signing Joint Statement 


▲Presentation during the Trilateral Experts Session 


▲Group Photo