Mechanisms 15th Trilateral Policy Dialogue among SIPO, JPO and KIPO held in Guangzhou, China
The 15th Trilateral Policy Dialogue among State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China (SIPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO) and Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) was held on November 17, 2015 in Guangzhou, China. The three delegations were headed respectively by Mr. SHEN Changyu, Commissioner of SIPO; Mr. ITO Hitoshi, Commissioner of JPO; and Mr. CHOI Donggyou, Commissioner of KIPO. The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) also attended the meeting as an observer.
At the meeting, the three commissioners introduced each country’s current status and policies on Intellectual Property (IP) and had in-depth discussions on the topics such as trilateral cooperation on patent and design. Considering the fact that the percentage of patent applications from the three countries amounts for half of the total applications all around the world, the three offices reached consensus on strengthening of the trilateral cooperation on IP sector.
The 3rd China-Japan-Korea IP Symposium was also held with the attendance of the three commissioners and over 100 participants. The symposium had two sessions; 1) Examination development and cooperation among SIPO-JPO-KIPO, and 2) Intellectual Property Policies for Supporting SMEs, by inviting speakers from the three IP offices. In the symposium, the ceremony of new Tripo (Trilateral IP Offices) website was also organized. The Tripo website is designed to provide information in order to make application process much easier and users can check the new website in CJK languages and English.